Tom pulled a single beet Sunday that looked like it was ready to eat. I roasted it and added it to a salad, made from lettuce harvested from the garden. We sauted the beet greens along with a batch of collards and mushrooms (not from TY's garden) for dinner. YUM!

Ah the signs of fall. Last night a freeze warning was in effect. Tonight as well. We aren't quite ready to give up on the vegetables yet so we decided to cover everything with newsprint to save what we could. We'll likely be harvesting what we can over the next week or so to get all we can before the really cold weather gets here.

One beet huh? Do you know why you only got one beet.I guess since you only got one, it had to be delicious. Is there going to be a winter garden?
There are lots more beets... we just pulled the one that was ready and left the others to keep growing. We decided not to plant a winter garden. Instead we will put our energy towards building up the condition of the soil so that the Spring and Summer gardens will be kick butt. We'll also start seeds indoors during the winter so they'll be ready for spring planting.
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