We have blooms, veggies, herbs, and more potential veggies. Here's a rundown of how things are looking this week.
The marigolds are in full swing.

The soybeans plants are doing well and...
they've started to flower. (Who knew soybeans have purple flowers?)
The basil has kicked into high gear. Clipped some this week to throw on our salads and made a pesto mayonnaise for a tuna sandwich last weekend.
The okra is doing it's thing.
Peppers. Wish these guys would hurry up. I want me some peppers!
More tomatoes...
which have now flowered which means tomatoes are on the way!
Lost of flowers on this cucumber plant and yes, that's right, one cucumber right in the front! We ate that in our salads this past week.
Cilantro heaven! Tom made kitchen sink omelets this morning and threw in some fresh cilantro. YUM!
Now that's a pretty picture, ain't it. That's what I call a garden!
We've already eaten one dish with beet greens. Looks like we'll cook up another one this week...
followed soon by roasted beets and goat cheese salad!
I think it's safe to say that we can grow us some squash! Look at the size of these two plants!!
To date we've harvested about 5 lbs of squash. We made one squash casserole which was yummy. This weekend we'll have squash croquettes (patties), I'll make two more casseroles to freeze, we'll cut some up and freeze for use in winter soups, and we'll still have enough coming up next week to throw on the grill next weekend.
This is two transplanted squash plants, and our mystery plants. The mystery plants have turned out to be cucumbers, a tomato plant, and a sunflower. We'll transplant the tomato plant to one of the tee pees and get some more posts for the cucumbers.
Green beans doing well.
Black tomato plants coming along and JUST about to flower.
Transplanted tomatoes moving slow, but hanging in there.
Potato patch growing.
This is rose bush that was here when we moved in. Have never done a THING to it and it's blooming like mad. It's nice to look out the kitchen window and see so many beautiful blooms.
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