May 15, 2011

There's a "Buzz" Going on Around Here

written by Tom

Okay, so I'm freaking out about the garden. Or lack thereof. But, I seem to do this every season, between spring and summer. Yvonne, and now Olive, remind me that everything comes and goes with the seasons and not to despair. Here is a yard-view of where we're at right now.

Barlotto pole beans needing to be thinned out.

And now thinned out (thanks, Yvonne).

Snap beans and 3 squash plants before thinning out.

And now both, thinned out.

Yvonne, thinning out said squash.

Y, always searching for a better "seed organizer", has an epiphany in Walgreen's. This CD organizer = "a great seed packet organizer.."

Pretty cool, sort of (for all you overly organized types out there).

Snow peas ... fresh harvest. Any better?

So Saturday, we staked up the Barlotto beans. Sunday morning, beans are, "Hell's YEAH!, up the stakes!" Self-staking beans? Amazing.

Finally.  Bees!! Mentor Richard Flanagan and myself, disembark bees from his van.

Gently, gently ... .  No stumbling, please.

Almost there. Right on top of the beautifully painted cinder blocks. Thank you, TY.

All good. Strap removed.

Happy? Hell's yeah!. Doorway on moving/robbing screen opened.

What?! Buzzing? Bees? Really?! What's going on in there?

Doors officially open.

First bees out. One carrying a dead larvae. Cleansing flights achieved.

Gently remove the screen ... gently.

And ... done.

Time to feed some simple syrup, about 3 hours after their placement in their new home.

Orientation flights achieved, me not knowing what to think other than to marvel. All the time, bunch of bees, hovering at entrance,

Sweet bee, grabbing a drink from the nearby birdbath-turned-bee-bath given to us by our dear friend Bob. Pre-summer relief. Cool drinks on Sundays. Any better?

Note: Traveling for comics and vacation over the next few weeks.TY's VeggiePatch may not be updated for a few weeks, so don't dismay. All good. Even farmers & newbees need a vacation.

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