January 30, 2012

TYs 2012 has officially begun

written by Yvonne

A new year, a new set of seed catalogs, a new start to what will be a prosperous and plentiful growing season!  After taking inventory of our current seeds, we figured out what was missing and placed our order - a super exciting moment in a gardener's life. This year, we ordered seeds from two companies: Sow True Seed based in Asheville, NC and Southern Exposure Seed Exchange in VA. We would have gotten them all from Sow True but they didn't have a few herbs we needed.  Next up? Get the newspaper pots ready for all these seeds.

Last year Tom included news and updates of his apiary (bees) on TYs Veggie Patch. This year, he will be blogging about bee adventures, as well as taking orders for honey on his NEW web site - T's Bees Honey. You can find it by clicking here www.tsbeeshoney.com.

If you'd like to be put on a contact list for purchasing honey, be sure to go to Contact T's Bees and fill in your information. Once honey is available for sale, he will contact interested people.  It will be first come first served.  As a first year beekeeper he won't really know how much honey to expect so if you want to buy some, be sure to get on his list.

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