February 12, 2016

2016 - Smaller and More Manageable

written by Yvonne

By late Spring of last year, T and I became a little overworked and a lot burnt out. Too much of... well, too much everything: bees, garden, yard work, house upkeep, commitments, etc. We took time off from the garden and did not plant anything for Fall and Winter.  This turned out to be a great decision as it gave us time to re-think how best to manage our time as it relates to the garden.

The first change we are implementing is that I won't be writing nearly as many blog posts. Originally I was going to give this up altogether, but we use the blog for reference purposes, and folks do enjoy reading about our successes and failures. So instead of writing something every week, it will likely be more like once a month.  (I mean really - how many pictures of indecipherable, tiny green seedlings does one need to write about?)

The second change is that I will be the primary manager of the garden. This should allow Tom more time for his bees and will allow me to mange the garden around my schedule.

The last change is that I will plant only two beds at any given time and the other two beds will fallow. This should allow for easier management and not be so time consuming.

Although the weather is still very cold, the bright sunny day and 0% change of rain/snow allowed us to spend a few hours on Sunday doing some prep work. Tom tilled beds 3 and 4...

and we refilled the boxes with a load of dirt.

Beds 3 and 4 are now ready for planting and I will spend time this weekend picking out and ordering seeds from the Sow True seed catalog.

Of course, everyone was eager to help.

Not too hard to tell which dog likes her paws firmly on the ground and which one is more up for adventure.