April 5, 2011

The rain is over, now get back out in the yard

written by Yvonne

No rain in sight this past weekend so it was back outside to tackle more bee/lawn/garden work in the gorgeous weather. We started by getting an idea where to place the hives in the back yard.

Once we were satisfied with their location, we marked them with lawn ornaments so we'd know where to put them when the time comes.  Next Tom planted the last of the berry bushes (blueberry) - just to the front-left of hive #1.

We (and by "we" I mean the two of us and Olive) spent time weeding the potato/onion patch.  This took quite a while, but it really needed to be done.  We had planned on topping this patch with mulch from our compost bins (that's what's in the garden cart), but the onions are too small and thin and we were afraid we'd smother them.

So instead we added the mulch to what will be the mint patch.  We might include lavender along with the mint since both need to stay somewhat contained.  Next weekend we'll get mint seeds and get this area planted.

I mixed peat moss and potting soil in several pots and planted flower seeds for the front porch.

I used marigold seeds we dried from last year's flowers and some random seed packages we picked up during the winter.  Of all places, the art supply store where Tom shops (Cheap Joe's) was giving away wildflower seed last year.  The other packet might have come from the beekeeper association; not sure exactly.

It was handy having a water source (rain barrel) on the side of the house where the garden shed is.

Between playing with the dogs next door, all the yard work, and a hike on Sunday morning, someone just couldn't stand it anymore and had to take a nap.

Next it was time to break out the paint.

Tom painted his first hive a nice bright yellow.

Aren't they pretty?

I helped paint the cinder blocks the hive will sit on.

Everyone wanted to get in on this job. Olive got paint on the very tip of her tail and on one ear.

Even Maizie did her part by making sure the frames for the hive didn't fall over.

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