June 19, 2013

General Goings On in the Garden

written by Yvonne

THE BLACKBERRIES ARE TURNING BLACK!  We took a taste and some are delicious and others are still a bit on the tart side.

Herbs are taking their time but coming along. Basil, dill and parsley are definitely 'online' and cilantro isn't far behind. There are very tiny green leaves in here but it's too early to tell what they are. Although now that I think about it, I did make a map of the bed so I'd know what's what. Guess I should pull that out and consult it.

The garlic has sprouted scapes...

and with all the tops dying off, it's time to harvest.

There have been lots of flowers on the tomatoes and when you actually peak underneath and inside the bushes you can see the tomatoes. This appears to be some of the small cherry tomatoes.

Here's another tomato variety hiding.


Tom bought and put up cages for the beans along the driveway.

It's hard to see but the long, thin green items are the string beans.  Just a few so far but they are starting.

Seriously!? This grew from a single seed! This is ONE zucchini plant.

We harvested the first zucchini from the monster plant (above) and several more will be ready for harvest this week.

A small sampling of a few things we harvested.  (The cantaloupe mixed in with the raspberries was bought at the grocery - not one of ours.)

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